Configuring Java CAPS Business Processes

Viewing WSDL Files

Web Services Description Language (WSDL) is an XML-based language used to describe business services. WSDL provides a way for individuals and other businesses to electronically access those services. WSDL files are used to invoke and operate web services. They can be used for web services on the Internet and to access and invoke remote applications and databases.

The WSDL page provides a listing of all loaded WSDL files, which represent predefined Business Process attributes for use in a Business Process. For troubleshooting purposes, the WSDL page provides a listing of all unresolved target namespaces and also provides viewing access to all loaded WSDL files.

ProcedureTo view a WSDL file

  1. In the Project Explorer, right-click the Business Process, and then click Properties.

  2. Click the WSDL tab.

  3. Select a WSDL file from the list and then click View.

    The WSDL Viewer appears.

    Note –

    From the WSDL Viewer, you can copy and paste WSDL code to a text file. You cannot edit code in the WSDL Viewer.