Configuring Java CAPS Business Processes

Adding Logger Messages to a Modeling Element

Java CAPS allows you to initiate logging entries from a Business Process element. You specify one of the log4j log levels: FATAL, ERROR, WARN, INFO, or DEBUG. When you view the log entries in Enterprise Manager, these log levels are converted to the corresponding JDK log levels. Table 2 describes the log level mapping from most to least severe.

Table 2 log4j to Java Log Level Mapping

log4j Log Level

JDK Log Level











The logger level nodes take a Boolean data type, but you can specify that the data types be automatically converted when you define the mapping.

ProcedureTo add a logger message to a modeling element

  1. Open the Business Process containing the element to which you want to add a logger entry.

  2. In the Business Process Designer, select the element.

  3. In the Business Process Designer toolbar, click Property Sheet.

    The properties for the element appear to the right of the Business Process.

  4. Click in the Logging Properties field, and then click the ellipsis (...).

    The Specify Log Messages dialog box appears.

  5. Define the log message using the available methods.

  6. When you are finished defining the log message, click OK.