Configuring Java CAPS Business Processes

Configuring BPM for the OCI Driver

If you are using Oracle for the monitoring and recovery database, you can use Oracle’s Type 2 driver, the Oracle Call Interface (OCI) driver. This requires some additional steps. BPM typically uses a DataDirect® driver to establish a database connection and interact with the database server. This section provides the requirements and instructions for enabling and configuring BPM for the OCI driver.

The OCI driver works in conjunction with the monitoring and recovery database only. The Worklist Manager uses the DataDirect driver only.

System Requirements for the Oracle OCI driver

The Oracle OCI driver is also called the thick driver because of the extensive native code it uses to communicate with the database. OCI is written in C; all of its Java calls use JNI to direct the calls to the C layer. The C layer communicates with the database and returns the results to the Java layer.

The library to map the Java calls to C calls is installed with the Oracle client’s installation. To enable monitoring and recovery persistence with OCI, you must install the Oracle client software.

Before You Begin

Before configuring the OCI driver, make sure the following are in place.

Implementing the OCI Driver

Implementing the OCI driver involves the following tasks:

Copying the OCI Driver Library Files

In order for BPM to use the OCI driver, the library file must reside in the Logical Host’s library directory.

ProcedureTo copy the OCI driver library files

  1. Install the Oracle client on the system where Logical Host resides.

  2. Define the monitoring and recovery database in tnsnames.ora.

  3. Copy ojdbc14.jar (for JDK 1.4 or later) or classes12.jar (for JDK 1.2 and 1.3) from the /jdbc/lib subdirectory in the Oracle client installation to the /lib subdirectory in the Logical Host domain-specific directory. For example,

    copy from oracle_home\jdbc\lib

    to logical_host\is\domains\domain1\lib


    Note –

    The location of the files in the Oracle installation varies depending on the version of Oracle being used and whether it is a client or server installation.

  4. Restart the Logical Host instance to load the driver classes.

Setting up the Environment

To enable the OCI driver with the BPM Engine, set the following environment variables.

Note –

oracle_home refers to the directory where the Oracle client or database is installed. For example, C:\oracle\ora92 or /home/oracle/orahome. This folder contains sub-folders such as bin, network, jdbc, jlib, and lib.

For Windows operating systems:

For Linux and Unix operating systems (except HPUX and AIX):

For HP-UX:

For AIX:

Configuring the BPM Engine to use the Oracle OCI Driver

You must configure the BPM Engine to use the OCI driver instead of the default thin driver. This is configured in the Environment Explorer in the integration server properties sheet.

ProcedureTo configure the engine to use the Oracle OCI driver

  1. In the Environment Explorer, right-click the integration or application server, and then click Properties.

  2. Click BPM Engine Configuration.

  3. On the Properties dialog box, enter the service name in the Oracle Net Service Name field.

    The value to enter is the TNS name configured in the tnsnames.ora file (located at <oracle_home>/network/admin). The following example shows a typical TNS name configuration where ORCL.STC.COM is the Oracle Net Service Name.

        (ADDRESS_LIST =
          (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = MyHost)(PORT = 1521))
        (CONNECT_DATA =
          (SERVICE_NAME = orcl)
  4. Fill in the properties.

  5. Click OK.

    The following table describes the fields you must configure in the BPM Engine Configuration properties.



    Persistence Mode

    An indicator of whether persistence is enabled. Select one of the Persist to Database options to enable persistence in BPM.


    The database platform in use. Select the correct version of Oracle to enable the OCI feature. 

    Database Host

    The name of the computer on which the Oracle database resides. 

    Database Port

    The port on which the Oracle database is listening. The default is 1521. 

    Oracle Net Service Name

    The TNS name of the database (from the tnsnames.ora). The BPM Engine uses the OCI driver if this property is populated. Otherwise, the BPM Engine uses the default DataDirect driver.

    Database Instance/Schema

    The name of the database. 

    Database User

    The user name to access the monitoring and recovery tables. 


    The Password to access the monitoring and recovery tables. 

Implementing Transparent Application Failover

Oracle RAC is an Oracle database that has two or more instances accessing a shared database using cluster technology. A cluster is a group of machines (or nodes) that work together to perform the same task. To support this architecture, two or more machines that host the database instances are linked by a high-speed interconnect to form the cluster. The interconnect is a physical network used as a means of communication between each node of the cluster.

After Oracle RAC is installed, the Transparent Application Failover (TAF) feature can be configured to ensure the highest levels of availability. TAF compliments all levels of the availability hierarchy. Applications and users are automatically and transparently reconnected to another system, applications and queries continue uninterrupted, and the login context is maintained. Oracle Net Services is configured to allow the listener on each database instance of RAC to failover in case of failure.

Note –

Setting up the Oracle RAC/OPS system to test the TAF feature is beyond the scope of this document. Please contact your DBA to set up the Oracle RAC/OPS server with the configuration in the tnsnames.ora and listener.ora files.

The OCI driver works in conjunction with the BPM Engine only. The Worklist Manager uses the DataDirect driver only.

ProcedureTo implement transparent application failover

  1. Set up the Oracle RAC server with the multiple hosts or instances sharing the same data storage.

    For information about configuring tnsnames.ora to enable the TAF feature when using the OCI driver, see Before You Begin.

  2. If you have not already done so, install Oracle client locally where the Logical Host is running.

    Oracle client must be installed for OCI to work. Since the OCI driver establishes connectivity to the database based on a native C call, the same version of the Oracle client must be installed as packaged with BPM. Version conflicts for OCI would result in problems configuring the OCI driver with BPM.

  3. Configure the tnsnames.ora file for TAF.

    Below is an example of a tnsnames.ora file configured for a transparent application failover (TAF).

    Option 1: Connect time FAIL OVER and TAF

        (FAILOVER = ON)
        (LOAD_BALANCE = OFF)
        (ADDRESS_LIST =    
          (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = Node1)(PORT = 1521))
          (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = Node2)(PORT = 1521))
        (CONNECT_DATA =
          (SERVICE_NAME =
          (FAILOVER_MODE =
            (TYPE = SELECT)
            (METHOD = PRECONNECT)

    Option 2: TAF configuration

        (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = Node1)(PORT = 1521))
        (CONNECT_DATA =
          (SERVICE_NAME =
          (FAILOVER_MODE =
            (TYPE = SELECT)
            (METHOD = PRECONNECT)
             (BACKUP = Node2)

    In the above configuration, MY_CLUSTER has the knowledge of the two nodes that are configured to act as a cluster. The cluster should be configured to share the same disk by RAC/OPS.

    In option 1, FAILOVER is set to ON and LOADBALANCE is set to OFF. This is the configuration for a connect time failover. In connect time failover, when the OCI driver tries to connect to Node1 and determines that the node is down, it connects to the other host in the Address list (Node2). Option 2 is shown only to illustrate configuring just the TAF feature in the OCI client. For BPM, both the connect time failover and the TAF configuration is required.

    Configuring the TAF option involves adding Oracle Net parameters to the tnsnames.ora file and the use of parameter values to ascertain the next step in the failover process when one of the participating nodes encounters failure. The parameter that drives the TAF option is the FAILOVER_MODE under the CONNECT_DATA section of a connect descriptor. By using one or more of the following parameters, the full functionality of TAF can be achieved.




    Specifies a different net service name to be used to establish the backup connection. A backup should be specified when using PRECONNECT to pre-establish connections. Specifying a BACKUP is strongly recommended for BASIC methods; otherwise, reconnection might first attempt the instance that has just failed, adding additional delay until the client reconnects. 


    Specifies the type of failover. Three types of Oracle Net failover functionality are available to the Oracle Call Interface by default. 

    • SESSION– Fails over the session. With this option only a connection is established and no work in progress is transferred from the failed instance to the available instance.

    • SELECT– Enables a user with open cursors to continue fetching on them after failure. Oracle Net keeps track of any SELECT statements issued in the current transaction, as well as how many rows have been fetched back to the client for each cursor associated with a SELECT statement. If the connection to the instance is lost, Oracle Net establishes a connection to a backup instance, re-executes the SELECT statements, and positions the cursors so the client can continue fetching rows as if nothing had happened. However, no DML operations are transferred.

    • NONE– No failover functionality is implemented (this is the default).


    Determines the speed of the failover from the primary to the secondary or backup node. 

    • BASIC– Establishes connections at failover time.

    • PRECONNECT– Pre-establishes connections. If this parameter is used, connection to the backup instance is made at the same time as the connection to the primary instance.


    Specifies the number of times to attempt to connect to the BACKUP node after a failure before giving up. 


    Specifies the amount of time in seconds to wait between attempts to connect to the BACKUP node after a failure before giving up. 


To aid in troubleshooting, common error messages and resolutions are described below.

Table 3 Troubleshooting Windows Systems

Error Message 


Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: no ocijdbc9.dll in java.library.path 

  • Is the oracle_home environment variable set?

  • Is oracle_home\bin added to the system path?

  • Is oracle_home\lib added to the system path?

Exception No Such Method : make_c_state error 

  • Is oracle_home\lib added to the system path?

  • Is the JDBC Oracle client driver version used to connect to the database different from the application server version?

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoSuchFieldError: envCharSetId 

  • Is oracle_home\lib added to the system path?

  • Is the JDBC Oracle client driver version used to connect to the database different from the application server version?

Table 4 Troubleshooting Linux/Unix Systems

Error Message 


Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: no ocijdbc9 in java.library.path 

  • Is the oracle_home environment variable set?

  • Is oracle_home/lib added to LD_LIBRARY_PATH?

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoSuchFieldError: envCharSetId 

  • Is the oracle_home environment variable set?

  • Is the JDBC Oracle client driver version used to connect to the database different from the application server version?

make_c_state error 

  • Is oracle_home/bin added to the system path?

  • Is the JDBC Oracle client driver version used to connect to the database different from the application server version?