Configuring Sun Master Indexes (Repository)

Best Record

In the Best Record file, you define formulas that determine which data in an enterprise record should be considered the most reliable and how updates to the single best record (SBR) will be handled. The survivor calculator uses these formulas to decide what data from each system record to include in each object’s SBR. The SBR is the portion of the enterprise record that represents the data that is considered to be the most accurate and current for an entity.

The SBR is defined by a mapping of fields from external system records. Since there might be many external systems, you can optionally specify a strategy to select the value for an SBR field from the list of external values. You can also specify any additional fields that might be required by the selection strategy to determine which external system contains the best data, such as the object’s update date and time.

You can create Java classes that define special processing to perform against a record when the record is created, updated, merged, or unmerged. These classes must be created in the Custom Plug-ins module and can be specified for each transaction type in the Best Record file.