Configuring Siebel EAI Workflows

ProcedureTo Verify SWSE Operation for Siebel 7

  1. Verify that the Server Request Processor is running correctly. You may need to synchronize the Server Request Components with the Gateway Server—follow the menu/command path:

    Enterprise Configuration ⇒ Batch Components Admin ⇒ Synchronize

  2. Verify that the EAI Object Manager is running correctly.

    • Follow the path:

      Server Admin ⇒ Servers ⇒ Server Components

    • Under Assignment Components, select EAI Object Manager.

  3. For Windows installations only, verify that the .swe file is associated with sweiis.dll in the web site. Use the following procedure to set the association:

    1. Run the IIS 4.0 Management Console application.

    2. Right-click on your Web site entry in the tree display, and select Properties.

    3. Select the Home Directory tab.

    4. In the Application Settings box, select Configuration.

    5. On the App Mappings tab, select Add.

    6. Type swe, select sweiis.dll, and click OK to save the association.

  4. Verify that the configuration files are set up properly. If LDAP is not used, comment out all LDAP-related parameters in the configuration files (for example, eai.cfg and siebel.cfg):

    ;LDAP = LDAP
    ;DllName = sscfldap.dll
    ;ServerName =
    ;Port = 389
    ;BaseDN =
    ;UsernameAttributeType = uid
    ;PasswordAttributeType = userPassword
    ;CredentialsAttributeType = credentials
    ;RolesAttributeType = roles
    ;SslDatabase =

    Note –

    The LDAP configuration may differ in your Siebel system depending on your version of Siebel and your installed options. For more information on disabling LDAP in your Siebel system, consult your Siebel user documentation.

  5. After modifying these files, stop and then restart the following services:

    • Siebel Server

    • World Wide Web Publishing Service