Deploying JMSJCA on WebLogic

ProcedureTo Install a New Application or Module for Deployment Using the Console

  1. Locate the Change Center in the upper left corner of the Administration Console.

  2. Click on Lock & Edit to lock the editable configuration hierarchy for the domain. This enables you to make changes using the Administration Console. This also allows you to modify, add or delete items in the domain.

    Note –

    The Release Configuration in the Change Center allows others to edit the domain and ensures no pending changes exist.

  3. Choose Deployments from the Domain tree structure on the left panel of the console. Here, all the standalone application modules and Java EE applications are listed.

  4. Click Install to install a new Enterprise Application or module for deployment to targets in the domain.

  5. On the Locate deployment to install and prepare for deployment page, select the file path that represents the application root directory. Follow this path to deploy sun-jms-adapter.rar on WebLogic 10.


  6. Select sun-jms-adapter.rar and click Next.

    Tip –

    Click on the Next and Forward buttons to navigate forward and backwards during installation.

  7. Choose the targeting style. The targets can be a server, clusters of servers and virtual hosts on which this deployment will function. Choose any one from the following targets,

    • Install this deployment as an application

    • Install this deployment as a library

      Choose Install this deployment as an application. This is the default deployment method. Click Next.

  8. Provide Optional Settings on this screen. You can modify these settings or accept the default settings,

    1. Under General, type the Name of the deployment

      In the current example, it is sun-jms-adapter. By default, the name of the deployment is specified.

    2. Under Source accessibility, choose any one of the following locations from where all targets can access the application's files,

      • Use the defaults defined by the deployment's targets

      • Copy this application onto every target for me

      • I will make the deployment accessible from the following location

        Location: root\JavaCAPS6\appserver\addons\caps\common\jmsjca\sun-jms-adapter.rar

        Choose Use the defaults defined by the deployment's targets and click Next. This is the default selection.

  9. Review your choices and click Finish to complete the deployment.

    Note –

    Make the required changes to the Console and click Save.

  10. Click on Activate Changes in the Change Center. The following message appears on the right panel of the screen.

    All changes have been activated. No restarts are necessary
See Also

Some changes you make in the Administration Console take place immediately when you activate them. Other changes require you to restart the server or module affected by the change. Such changes are called non-dynamic changes. Non-dynamic changes are indicated in the Administration Console.

Note –

If you edit a non-dynamic configuration setting, no edits to dynamic configuration settings will take effect until the server is restarted.