Planning for Java CAPS Installation

Java CAPS Supported Operating Systems

This topic lists the supported operating system requirements for each platform. The requirements listed in this topic are in addition to the supported system requirements.

In previous releases of Java CAPS the operating systems supported runtime while only Windows systems supported design-time. With this release, we have separated the supported operating systems into two categories: Design-time (NetBeans IDE) and Runtime (Sun Java System Application Server).

Supported Design-time Platforms

NetBeans IDE is available on these operating systems:

Supported Runtime Platforms

Sun Java System Application Server 9.1 UR2 is available on these operating systems:

Note –

Macintosh operating system support is limited to Development purposes only. Sun Java System Application Server 9.1 UR2 support is limited to the Developer Profile. Sun SeeBeyond JMS IQ Manager (STCMS) and Sun ESB API Kit are supported on a subset of these platforms. Please contact your Sun account representative for more information. Where applicable, adapters for external systems are supported on the above platforms if that platform is supported by the external system vendor.