Understanding the Business Rules Method Palette

Encoder Parameter Values

The text to bytes and bytes to text methods both take a parameter that specifies the type of encoding to use when performing the conversion. The possible values for the encoder parameter include the following:

  • Big5

  • Big5-HKSCS

  • EUC-JP

  • EUC-KR

  • GB18030

  • GBK

  • ISO-2022-JP

  • ISO-2022-KR

  • ISO-8859-1

  • ISO-8859-13

  • ISO-8859-15

  • ISO-8859-2

  • ISO-8859-3

  • ISO-8859-4

  • ISO-8859-5

  • ISO-8859-6

  • ISO-8859-7

  • ISO-8859-8

  • ISO-8859-9

  • JIS_X0201

  • JIS_X0212-1990

  • KO18-R

  • Shift_JIS

  • TIS-620


  • UTF-16

  • UTF-16BE

  • UTF-16LE

  • UTF-8

  • windows-1250

  • windows-1251

  • windows-1252

  • windows-1253

  • windows-1254

  • windows-1255

  • windows-1256

  • windows-1257

  • windows-1258

  • windows-31j

  • x-EUC-CN

  • x-euc-jp-linux

  • x-EUC-TW

  • x-eucJP-Open

  • x-ISC1191

  • x-JIS0208

  • x-JISAutoDetect

  • x-Johab

  • x-MS950-HKSCS

  • x-mswin-936

  • x-windows-50220

  • x-windows-50221

  • x-windows-949

  • x-windows-950

  • x-windows-iso2022jp