Understanding the Business Rules Method Palette

Operator Methods

Operator methods allow you to manipulate data with standard mathematical andcomparison operators. To display a complete list of available operator methods, click Operator and then click Settings.

Table 1 Operator Methods


The addition method adds the numerical value of number1 to the numerical value of number2, and returns the sum.

The AND method returns Boolean true if both boolean1 and boolean2 are true; otherwise, it returns Boolean false.

Note: Boolean parameters cannot accept values with capital letters. For example, “True” and “TRUE” are not valid Boolean values, but “true” is.

The div method divides the numerical value of number1 by the numerical value of number2, and returns the quotient.

The EQUAL method returns Boolean true if object1 is equal to object2; otherwise, it returns Boolean false.

The greater or equal method returns Boolean true if the numerical value of number1 is greater than or equal to the numerical value of number2; otherwise, it returns Boolean false.

The greater than method returns Boolean true if the numerical value of number1 is greater than the numerical value of number2; otherwise, it returns Boolean false.

The lesser or equal method returns Boolean true if the numerical value of number1 is less than or equal to the numerical value of number2; otherwise, it returns Boolean false.

The lesser than method returns Boolean true if the numerical value of number1 is less than the numerical value of number2; otherwise, it returns Boolean false.

The mod method divides the numerical value of number1 by the numerical value of number2, and returns only the remainder.

The multiplication method multiplies the numerical value of number1 by the numerical value of number2, and returns the product.

The negative method converts the numerical value of number1 to its negative. The result is a number having the same absolute value as the input number. For example, if the input is “10”, it is converted to “-10”; if the input is “-10”, it is converted to “10”.

The not equal method returns Boolean true if object1 is not equal to object2; otherwise, it returns Boolean false.

The OR method returns Boolean false if both boolean1 and boolean2 are false; otherwise, it returns Boolean true.

Note: Boolean parameters cannot accept values with capital letters. For example, “True” and “TRUE” are not valid Boolean values, but “true” is.

The subtraction method subtracts the numerical value of number2 from the numerical value of number1, and returns the difference.