Developing Sun Master Indexes

ProcedureTo Create the Database Structure

  1. Open a standard SQL editor or SQL command line and connect to the master index database using the user you created in Step 2: Create a Master Index Database and User. For MySQL, you can run the files from the mysql prompt.

  2. Do one of the following:

    • Open create.sql in the NetBeans editor, copy and paste the entire text of the file into the SQL editor, and run the script against the database.

    • From the SQL editor or command line, run create.sql directly. The file is located at project_home/src/DatabaseScript.

      Tip –

      To run this script for Oracle or SQL Server, the command is @create.sql. For MySQL, the command is source create.sql.

  3. Repeat the previous two steps for systems.sql, codelist.sql, and any custom scripts you created.