Developing Sun Master Indexes

Step 1: Add the MySQL or Oracle Driver to the Application Server

Note –

MySQL is only supported in Java CAPS 6 Update 1 or later.

If you are using a MySQL or Oracle database, you need to manually install or copy the database driver to the application server environment. If you are using a SQL Server database, you can skip this step.

For Oracle, you can either install the driver on the application server or copy the ojdbc14.jar file from your Oracle client installation (Oracle_client\jdbc\lib) to app_server_home\lib. To install the driver, see the documentation for the Sun Java System Application Server.

For MySQL, download and extract the latest MySQL Connector/J — for connecting to MySQL from Java. You can access the driver at the MySQL downloads page. Copy mysql-connector-java-5.1.6-bin.jar to app_server_home\lib.

Once the driver is installed or copied, continue to Step 2: Create two JDBC Connection Pools.