Configuring Sun Master Indexes

Deleting Weighted Calculator Parameters

Once default and custom parameters are defined, they can be deleted if necessary. If a candidate field is defined for custom weighted calculations, you can specify that the field use the default weighted calculator instead by removing the entire field from the candidate-fields list.

ProcedureTo Delete Weighted Calculator Parameters

  1. In the Projects window, expand the Configuration node in the project you want to modify, and then double-click update.xml.

    The file opens in the NetBeans XML editor.

  2. Scroll to the WeightedCalculator element and then to the candidate-field element identifying the field you want to delete.

  3. Do either of the following:

    • To delete a custom weighted calculator parameter, scroll to the candidate-field element naming the field to modify.

    • To delete a default weighted calculator parameter, scroll to the default-parameters element.

  4. To delete an existing parameter, scroll to the parameter element you want to delete, and then remove all text between and including the parameter element.

    For example, to delete the SourceSystem parameter below, delete the boldface text.


    Note –

    At least one parameter must be defined for the default-parameter element; you cannot delete all parameters from this section. You cannot delete all parameters from a candidate field, but you can delete the entire candidate field (see below for more information).

  5. To delete a field from the candidate field list, delete all text between and including the candidate-field tags for the field you want to delete.

    Using the following example, to delete the Person.DOB candidate field from the custom calculator, delete all the text below.

    <candidate-field name="Person.DOB">
  6. Save and close the file.