Configuring Sun Master Indexes

Step 3: Specify Search Options

After you define the criteria fields for the MIDM search, you can specify certain options for the search, such as the types of available searches, whether each search is weighted, and whether the search allows wildcard characters.

Note –

Wildcards should not be allowed for blocking queries or phonetic searches.

ProcedureTo Specify Search Options

  1. Complete Step 2: Define the Search Fields.

  2. In the simple-search-page element you created, create a search-option element.

    For example:

       <screen-title>Simple Person Search</screen-title>
  3. In the new search-option element, create the elements listed in Record Details Search Option Elements and enter the appropriate value for each element.

    For example:

       <display-name>Alpha Search</display-name>
  4. Repeat the previous two steps for each search type you want to make available on the selected search page.

    Note –

    If you define multiple search option elements, an option button (labelled by the value of the display-name element) appears on the search page for each search option.

  5. Save and close the file.