Configuring Sun Master Indexes

ProcedureTo Modify a Field’s Length and Format

  1. In the Projects window, expand the Configuration node in the project you want to modify, and then double-click midm.xml.

    The file opens in the NetBeans XML editor.

  2. Scroll to the node element that defines the object containing the field you want to modify.

  3. Scroll to the field element you want to modify.

  4. To modify the length of a field, change the value of the max-length element.

    For example:

  5. To modify the format of the field, change the value of the input-mask and value-mask elements.

    If these element do not exist for the field, create new input-mask and value-mask elements. For example:


    Note –

    If an input mask is defined, in most cases a value mask must also be defined. For information about input and value masks, see MIDM Field Configuration Elements.

  6. Save and close the file.