Configuring Sun Master Indexes

Configuring the MIDM Assumed Matches Page

The Assumed Matches page allows you to search for assumed match records, view a results list, and then view the details for the record you select. You can also undo an assumed match if you think it was made in error. You can configure the name of the tabbed heading for the page, the display order, the number of records to return and display for a search, and the fields to display in the result list. The fields on the search page and in the results list are automatically generated and cannot be modified.

Below is a sample Assumed Matches page definition.

   <tab-name>Assumed Matches</tab-name>

ProcedureTo Configure the Assumed Matches Page

  1. In the Projects window, expand the Configuration node in the project you want to modify, and then double-click midm.xml.

    The file opens in the NetBeans XML editor.

  2. Scroll to the assumed-matches element (located in the gui-definition element).

  3. Make any of the following configuration changes:

    • To specify a new name for the Assumed Matches tab, modify the value of the tab-name element.

    • To change the order in which the Assumed Matches tab appears on the MIDM, change the value of the display-order element.

      Note –

      If you change the order of one tab, make sure to change the order of the remaining tabs so no tabs have an identical display order value.

    • To specify the number of records to display on the Assumed Matches search results list, change the value of the item-per-page element.

    • To specify a maximum number of records to return for an Assumed Matches search, change the value of the max-result-size element.

    • To add a search description, enter the description text into the description element.

    • To modify the fields that appear in the results list in addition to the system fields, change the value of an existing field-ref element, create a new field-ref element, or delete an existing field-ref element.

      For example:

  4. Save and close the file.