Configuring Sun Master Indexes

Production Reports Definition Elements

The following table lists and describes the elements you can configure in midm.xml to define the production reports.




An indicator of whether to display the report search page on the Reports page. Specify true to display the report search page and enable the report; specify false to disable the report.


The name to display on the tabbed heading for the report. 


The name of the report as it appears on the generated report. 


An integer indicating the order in which each report tab appears on the Reports page. If you change the display order of one report, make sure to change the others to keep the numbers consecutive. 


The number of items to display on one page of the report search results. 


The number of records to display on the report. if no value is entered, or if the value is zero (0), the size defaults to 1000 records. To retrieve all records for a report, enter a very large value for this element. 


A description of the fields defined for the field-group element. This value appears as a label for the area of the page that contains the specified fields.


One field definition for a field in the field group. Use the simple field names of the fields with their corresponding objects as the root. For example, the path to the FirstName field in the Person object is “Person.FirstName”. You can define multiple field-ref elements for each field group.