Understanding Sun Master Index Configuration Options

Using the Editors for Sun Master Index

You can use the NetBeans XML editor or the Master Index Configuration Editor to modify the configuration files created by the wizard. The Configuration Editor provides a series of windows to help guide you though the configuration of master index application components. The NetBeans XML editor allows you to modify the XML code directly.

The following topics provide additional information about the editors:

XML Editors

If you are familiar with XML, you can configure the master index applications by modifying the XML code directly. Use caution when modifying the XML files because there are dependencies between files. For example, all fields listed in any of the configuration files must also be defined in object.xml. Any queries referenced in midm.xml must also be defined in the query.xml.

Master Index Configuration Editor

The Master Index Configuration Editor allows you to modify most, but not all, configuration elements for a master index application using a graphical user interface. You can also use the editor to modify the match configuration file for the Master Index Match Engine, but not to modify the standardization configuration files. While you can use the Configuration Editor to modify most of the configuration files, some elements can only be modified using the NetBeans XML editor. Following is a summary of which features can be configured using the Configuration Editor and which need to be modified using the XML editor.

The object.xml File

You can modify most elements of object.xml using the Configuration Editor. The following can only be modified using the XML editor:

It is not recommended that you change the database type, but if you modify the database type or date format elements, you need to regenerate the application to create the updated database scripts. This does not recreate the Systems or Code Lists scripts; you need to update those manually.


You can modify all elements in query.xml using the Configuration Editor. If you create a query to use in the Master Index Data Manager (MIDM) or to use for the matching query, you need to add the query to the appropriate file (master.xml or midm.xml) manually.


Most elements in master.xml cannot be modified using the Configuration Editor. You can modify the duplicate and match thresholds from the Configuration Editor.


You can use the Configuration Editor to modify all commonly modified elements in mefa.xml, including defining standardization structures, normalization structures, and phonetic encoding. If you create custom classes to implement a block picker, pass controller, match engine, or standardization engine, you need to specify the implementation classes in this file using the XML editor.


The Configuration Editor does not modify update.xml. If you make any changes to the object structure, review this file to verify that all fields or objects are included in the survivor strategy and that the field and object names are correct.


The Configuration Editor does not modify validation.xml. If you create a custom field validation class, you need to specify the implementation class in this file using the XML editor.


Several elements in midm.xml are not modified using the Configuration Editor. You can add and delete fields that appear on the MIDM and modify the display name and the value and input masks. All other field properties can only be modified using the XML editor.

Field integrity is maintained when you delete a field using the Configuration Editor. The field is automatically deleted from the MIDM object structure and from any MIDM page definitions that include the field, such as a search page or report.

Match Configuration File

You can modify all components of the Match Configuration file using the Configuration Editor, including adding and removing comparators. The Configuration Editor does not validate the extra parameters that can be used for certain comparators, so you should verify your changes by reviewing the match configuration file manually.