Understanding Sun Master Index Configuration Options

Master Controller Configuration

The MasterControllerConfig element of master.xml controls four components of the matching and update process.

Custom Logic Classes in master.xml

Custom logic classes specify any custom plug-ins created for the master index project that define custom processing for the execute match methods. If no classes are specified, execute match processing is carried out using the default logic (this is described in Understanding Sun Master Index Processing ).

Update Mode in master.xml

The update mode specifies whether a record’s potential duplicate list is reevaluated when key fields are updated in the record. Performing the reevaluation helps keep the potential duplicate list current, but requires more system resources.

There are two update modes.

Merged Record Updates in master.xml

The merge update status determines whether changes can be made to records that have a status of “merged”. These are the EUID records that are not retained after a merge. For example, when an incoming record is an assumed match with an SBR that has a status of “merged”, the master index application checks the value of the merged-record-update element. If the element is set to “Enabled”, the merged SBR is updated with the new information. If the element is set to “Disabled”, an exception is thrown and the update is not performed. Typically, it is recommended that merged records not be updated.

Blocking Query in master.xml

The blocking query, specified by the query-builder element, identifies one of the queries defined in query.xml as the query to use for match processing. This query is used by the master index application when searching for a candidate pool of possible matches to an incoming record. If the query takes any parameters, they are defined using the option element.

Transactional Support

Sun Master Index supports local and distributed transaction processing. You can configure the master index application to distribute transactions across applications, to distribute transactions only within the master index application, or to not use distributed transactions at all. This is defined in the transaction element.