Understanding Sun Master Index Configuration Options

About Sun Master Index

Sun Master Index provides a flexible framework that allows you to create matching and indexing applications called enterprise-wide master index applications. It is an application building tool to help you design, configure, and create a master index application that will uniquely identify and cross-reference the business objects stored in your system databases. Business objects can be any type of entity for which you store information, such as customers, patients, vendors, businesses, inventory, and so on.

The following topics provide additional information about Sun Master Index:

Sun Master Index Configuration

In Sun Master Index, you define the data structure of the business objects to be stored and cross-referenced. In addition, you define the logic that determines how data is updated, standardized, weighted, and matched in the master index database. The structure and logic you define is located in a group of XML configuration files that you create using the wizard. These files are created within the context of a NetBeans project, and can be further customized using the either the Master Index Configuration Editor or the NetBeans XML editor. This document describes the structure of the XML files and how each configuration option affects the master index application.

Features of Sun Master Index

Sun Master Index provides features and functions to allow you to create and configure master index application for any type of data. The primary function of Sun Master Index is to automate the creation of a highly configurable master index application. A wizard guides you through the initial setup steps, and the Master Index Configuration Editor allows you to further customize the configuration of the master index application. The components you need to implement a master index application are automatically generated.

Sun Master Index provides the following features: