Working With the Master Index Data Manager

Master Index Data Manager Navigation Tips

The MIDM provides hyperlinks and command buttons to help you access and move through the MIDM pages. When you place the cursor over links and images on the MIDM pages, tooltips appear to provide additional information. Information is also provided to facilitate the use of screen readers and other assistive technology.

Navigating the MIDM Functions

The actions you can perform on the MIDM are grouped into these primary functions: Dashboard, Duplicate Records, Record Details, Assumed Matched, Transactions (history), Source Record, Reports, and Audit Log. The main menu on all MIDM pages provides hyperlinks to each of these functions, as shown in the following figure. The first page to appear for each function except the Source Record function is a search page. The names of these headings can be modified for your application.

Figure 2 Main Menu Navigation Tools

Figure shows the main menu of the MIDM.

Navigating the MIDM Detail Pages

The detail pages display the SBR of the object profile on the left and you can expand the pages to view source records on the right. Child objects appear below the parent object, and you can expand and collapse the information for each type of object. If you are viewing a comparison of object profiles, you can expand the source records of one object profile at a time. The following figure illustrates a sample of the Record Details page and shows the SBR to the left of three source records. Each detail page includes scrollbar navigation within the larger browser window so you can control the display of data.

Figure 3 Sample Record Details Page

Figure shows the Record Details window where you can
view profile details.