Working With the Master Index Data Manager

Viewing a Profile's Merge History on the MIDM

When an object profile that is currently merged is displayed on the Record Details page, you can display a history of all merges performed against the profile, allowing you to trace the origin of certain information contained in the profile. The master index application tracks all merges performed against each object profile in the database. You can view a history of merges that affect a specific object profile and you can view each EUID that was merged to form the final merge result profile. The merge history appears in a tree structure on the Record Details page, showing each pair of profiles that were merged under the displayed object profile.

ProcedureTo View an Object’s Merge History

  1. Using one of the search procedures described in Searching for Object Profiles on the MIDM, perform a search for the object whose merge history you want to view.

  2. If necessary, select the object profile you want to view from the search results list.

    The Record Details page appears.

  3. Beneath the SBR, click View Merge Tree.

    The Merge Tree popup window appears. You might need to scroll up to see the merge tree.

    Figure 25 Merge History Tree

    Figure shows a profile's merge history tree.

  4. Expand the tree structure to view the EUIDs that were combined to create the current record.

  5. To view transaction information for any of the merge transactions, click either of the EUIDs involved in the transaction.

    Figure 26 Merge Transaction History

    Figure shows a merge transaction history accessed from
the Merge Tree popup window.