Working With the Master Index Data Manager

About Master Index Applications

The applications created by Sun Master Index are enterprise-wide master index applications that maintain the most current information about the objects in your business enterprise. A master index application creates a single, consistent view of all object data by providing an automatic, common identification process regardless of the location or system from which the data originates. Object profiles from various locations are cross-referenced using an enterprise-wide unique identifier (EUID) assigned to each profile by the master index application. By creating EUIDs, a master index application can identify many types of participants, such as customers, employees, contacts, and so on.

The identification and general information for all objects is centralized in one shared index. A master index application is designed specifically to support scattered business locations and disparate information systems across an enterprise, as well as various applications from multiple vendors. Maintaining a centralized database for multiple systems enables a master index application to integrate data throughout the enterprise while allowing local systems to continue operating independently. A master index application makes it easy to find information that was previously scattered among multiple systems.