Working With the Master Index Data Manager

Step 2: Specify a System and Local ID

Each object profile is associated with at least one source record. Before you add data to an object profile, you must specify the object’s local ID in a specific system. This creates the source record component of the object profile.

Figure 29 Add Source Record - System and Local ID

Figure shows the first page that appears when you create
a new profile.

ProcedureTo Specify a System and Local ID

  1. Complete Step 1: Obtain Information about the Object.

  2. In the MIDM tabbed headings, select Source Record.

    The Source Record page appears.

  3. Click the Add tab on the Source Record page.

  4. In the System field, select the name of the source system from which the new record originated.

  5. In the Local ID field, enter the local ID assigned to the new record by the specified system.

    Note –

    The name of the Local ID field might have been modified for your use. See your system administrator for more information.

  6. Click Validate.

    If the record does not already exist, the page changes to display profile fields.

  7. Continue to Step 3: Specify Parent Object Information.