Working With the Master Index Data Manager

ProcedureTo Compare Source Records From One Source System

  1. In the tabbed headings, click Source Record.

  2. Click the Merge sub-tab.

  3. In the Source field, select the name of the source system from which the records you want to compare originated.

  4. In the Local ID fields, enter at least one and up to four local IDs.

    Note –

    If any of the Local ID fields allows alphabetic characters, the search is case-sensitive.

  5. Click View Records.

    Any matching source records appear side-by-side in a comparison view.

  6. To view the object profile for one of the source records, click View EUID under that source record.

    Tip –

    Clicking View EUID takes you out of the Source Records page and into the Record Details page. To return to the Source Record comparison page, click Back on the Record Details page.

  7. To merge any of the displayed source records, see Merging Source Records on the MIDM.