Working With the Master Index Data Manager

Advanced Phonetic Lookup

The Advanced Phonetic Lookup on the Record Details page allows you to perform various types of searches against the database using predefined combinations of fields as criteria. This type of search compares the phonetic values of certain fields entered as criteria. The object profiles returned by a phonetic search are assigned a matching probability weight to indicate how closely they match the search criteria. Phonetic searches are not exact match searches and allow for misspellings or data entry errors.

The fields displayed on the Search page are configured by the system administrator. You can enter as much information as needed to narrow down the search appropriately. For phonetic searches, certain combinations of criteria are required to perform a search. The search is only carried out for the combinations that have complete data.

For example, in a master company index, a blocking search might be configured to search on the following combinations:

If Company Name, Address Line1, and Stock Symbol are entered as criteria, only the second and fourth combinations are carried out. The returned result set would include any records that match on Company Name and Address Line1 or that match on Stock Symbol and Address Line1. If only Company Name is entered as criterion, no records are returned since it does not fulfill any of the combination requirements.