Understanding the Master Index Match Engine

Fine-tuning the Thresholds

Achieving the correct thresholds for your implementation is an iterative process. First, using the initial thresholds described earlier, process the data extracts into the master index database. Then analyze the resulting assumed match and potential duplicates, paying close attention to the assumed match records with matching weights close to the match threshold, to potential duplicate records close to either threshold, and to non-matches near the duplicate threshold.

If you find that most or all of the assumed matches at the low end of the match range are not actually duplicate records, raise the match threshold accordingly. If, on the other hand, you find several potential duplicates at the high end of the duplicate range that are actual matches, decrease the match threshold accordingly. If you find that most or all of the potential duplicate records in the low end of the duplicate range should not be considered duplicate matches, consider raising the duplicate threshold. Conversely, if you find several non-matches with weight near the duplicate threshold that should be considered potential duplicates, lower the duplicate threshold.

Repeat the process of loading and analyzing data and adjusting the thresholds until you are satisfied with the results.