Understanding the Master Index Match Engine

Step 7: Import the Comparator Package Into Sun Master Index

You need to import the your new comparators into NetBeans to make them available to all master index applications or only the current application.

ProcedureTo Import a Comparison Function

  1. Launch NetBeans, and open the master index project that will use the new comparators.

  2. In the Projects window, expand the main master index project.

  3. Right-click Match Engine, and select Import Comparator Plug-in.

  4. In the dialog box that appears, navigate to the location of the plug-in ZIP file.

  5. Select the file containing the plug-in, and then click Open.

  6. Do one of the following:

    • To import the plug-in and make it available to all future master index application, click Yes.

    • To import the plug-in and make it only available to the current master index application, click No.

    The contents of the ZIP file are imported into the Match Engine node and the new comparators are added to the list of comparator definitions in comparatorsList.xml.

  7. In the Match Engine node, navigate to the /lib folder that was added and verify that all of the required files are there.

  8. Open comparatorsList.xml and verify the new comparator definitions are included.