Understanding the Master Index Match Engine

Master Index Match Engine Matching Configuration

The matching configuration files define how the Master Index Match Engine processes records to assign matching probability weights, allowing the master index application to identify matches, potential duplicates, and non-matches. The match engine includes two configurable files, the match configuration file and the comparators list. Together these files define additional logic for the Master Index Match Engine to use when determining the matching probability between two records.

The matching configuration is very flexible, allowing you to customize the matching logic according to the type of data being matched and for the record matching requirements of your business. In a master index application, the matching configuration files are stored in the master index project and are located in the Match Engine node of the project. The Master Index Standardization Engine typically standardizes the data prior to matching, so the match process is performed against the standardized data.

The matching configuration files for the Master Index Match Engine must follow certain rules for formatting and interdependencies. The following topics provide an overview of the two matching configuration files provided, the architecture of those files, and formatting descriptions. They also include an overview of comparison functions used in the match configuration file.