Developing OTDs for Application Adapters

Primitives Node

The Primitives node provides the full set of SNL Primitives as defined by the SNL specification. For information regarding any of the SNL Primitives, refer to the SWIFTAlliance Gateway Documentation. The SNL Primitives node and sub-nodes are displayed in the figure below.

Advanced users can construct their own Primitives and send the Primitive using the SWIFT AG Adapter API, directly communicating with SWIFTNet. Once they get a response to their request, they can parse the response based on their Primitives. The parser is provide in the OTDs Primitives section. The response can be dragged to the appropriate node to parse the response.

Figure 1–26 SAGOutboundadapter OTD - Primitives Node

SAGOutbound adapter OTD - Primitives Node