Developing OTDs for Application Adapters

Relaunching OTDs

A single OTD can consist of many lines of metadata. When a change to the metadata occurs in an OTD, it does not have to be recreated from scratch. Using the Relaunch function allows the OTD to be rebuilt and saved under the same name, then relaunched back to the same Java Collaboration Definition (JCD) or Business Process Execution Language (BPEL).

ProcedureTo Relaunch an Existing OTD

  1. In the Enterprise Explorer, right-click on the OTD. From the submenu, click Relaunch. The Select Files Wizard opens.

  2. Enter the File Name (or Browse and Select) that you wish to be relaunched and click Next.

    Note –

    The File Name must be identical to the original since the name is used to generate the OTD name.

  3. Continue with the Wizard as described when creating the OTD.

  4. Click the Finish button to save the changes.

    When relaunching an OTD, an existing collaboration will not be affected if:

    • New columns are added

    • Deleted columns are not used in the original collaboration

      Note –

      Validation will fail if existing collaborations are not modified when columns are renamed or deleted.