Developing OTDs for Application Adapters

ProcedureTo Install SAP JCo on Windows 32

  1. Create a directory.

    For example


    and extract the JCo ZIP file into this directory.

  2. Copy the files librfc32.dll and sapjcorfc.dll from your SAP JCo main directory to


    Make sure that the version that is already there is not a more recent version than the one that is delivered with the SAP JCo.

  3. Copy the file sapjco.jar from your SAP JCo main directory to


    Where <JavaCAPS51> is the Sun Java Composite Application Platform Suite install directory.

  4. The sapjco.jar file is also required during runtime. For this, add the JAR file to

  5. Download the following DLL files:

    • msvcp71.dll

    • msvcr71.dll

    These are available, free of charge, from various sources on the Internet:

  6. Manually add the DLL files to the following location:


    Note –

    Restart both Netbeans IDE and the domain after installing the JAR file.