Developing OTDs for Application Adapters

ProcedureTo Download the IDoc Description File From SAP

  1. Log into the SAPGUI, and close the system messages. The SAP Easy Access window appears.

    If the SAP Easy Access window does not display, click Exit.

    Figure 1–6 SAP Easy Access Window

    SAP Easy Access Window

  2. Double-click WE63.

    The Documentation IDoc Record Types window appears.

    Figure 1–7 Documentation IDoc Record Types Window

    Documentation IDoc Record Types Window

  3. In the Basic Types box, type or select the IDoc to be parsed.

  4. Select any other options needed, and click Execute.

    The Documentation IDoc Record Types window shows the parsed definition file.

    Figure 1–8 Documentation IDoc Record Types Window—Parsed Definition File

    Documentation IDoc Record Types

  5. On the System menu, click List, Save, and then Local File.

    The Save List in File dialog box appears.

    Figure 1–9 Save List in File Dialog box

    Save List in File

  6. If necessary, select Unconverted.

  7. Click Save.

    The Save As dialog box appears.

  8. Navigate to the folder where you want to save the description file and click Save.

    The Transfer List to a Local File dialog box displays.

    Figure 1–10 Transfer List to a Local File Dialog Box

    Transfer List to a Local File

  9. Enter the name and path of the local file to receive the IDoc description file.

  10. Click Transfer.

    This downloads the file.

    Once you have downloaded the IDoc description file, create the IDoc OTD using the IDoc wizard as described in Creating IDoc OTDs. Use the From Description File option so that you can select the description file you downloaded.