Developing OTDs for Communication Adapters

BatchInbound OTD

The BatchInbound Input (Trigger) File adapter polls for an input file, renames the file with a GUID prefix, and triggers the Business Process or Collaboration.

The Batch adapter’s BatchInbound OTD acts similar to the inbound File adapter, in that it regularly polls an input directory for inbound target files. But unlike the File adapter, when a file with the appropriate name is received by the BatchInbound adapter, the target file is renamed with the following pattern: GUID.original_filename to ensure that the file is not over-written and is only sent once. A GUID (Globally Unique Identifier) provides a unique, formatted string that represents a 128-bit value.

The BatchInbound OTD does not read the file, but renames the file in such a way that it provides the name of the file that triggers the Business Process or Collaboration.

BatchInbound OTD Structure

The BatchInbound OTD contains one top-level node, BatchAppconnMessage, with three fields, PathDirName, OriginalFileName, and GUIDFileName (see the following figure). These nodes provide the external input directory, original file name, and the GUID file name.

Figure 1–13 BatchInbound OTD Structure

BatchInbound OTD Structure