Developing OTDs for Communication Adapters

SNA Object Type Definitions (OTDs)

Unlike most other eWays, the SNA eWay does not consist of an OTD wizard. OTD wizards typically facilitate the creation of a Collaborations that are used with eWay projects. When an OTD wizard is available, a skeleton Collaboration is created to provide minimal funtionality that you must modify to suit your application’s needs. Without the OTD wizard, as in the case of the SNA eWay, you must create your Collaborations completely from scratch.

ProcedureTo associate the standard SNA eWay OTD to a new Java Collaboration:

  1. From the Project Explorer, right-click the targeted project.

  2. Select New > Collaboration Definition (Java)

  3. Complete steps 1 and 2 of the Collaboration Definition Wizard (Java).

  4. Select the OTD to use in the new Collaboration by traversing the Look In drop-down box: SeeBeyond.eWays.SNALU62.

  5. Highlight the desired OTD name and click the Add button.

  6. Optionally, modify the instance name of the OTD that will be used in the Collaboration.

  7. Click the Finish button.

    The new Collaboration that implements the SNA eWay OTD is created. For details about the SNA eWay methods that may be used with Collaborations for the, refer to the associated Javadoc.