Developing OTDs for Communication Adapters


The Batch Adapter includes four OTDs that allow you to perform FTP data-transfer functions. The BatchFTP OTD enables the Sun Enterprise Service Bus system to exchange data with other network hosts for the purpose of receiving and delivering objects stored in files. In addition, the BatchFTPOverSSL, BatchSCP, and BatchSFTP OTDs enable secure data transfer between the local host and a remote host using FTP over SSL and SSH.

BatchFTP OTD Structure

The BatchFTP OTD contains three top-level nodes, Client, Configuration, Provider, State, and StateManager. Expand these nodes to reveal additional sub-nodes.

Figure 1–6 BatchFTP OTD Structure

BatchFTP OTD Structure

Configuration Node

Each field sub-node in the Configuration node of the OTD corresponds to one of the adapter’s FTP configuration parameters.

Client and Provider Nodes

This OTD includes two additional top-level nodes, the Client and Provider. These nodes implement their respective functionality interfaces in the adapter.