Configuring Java CAPS Environment Components for Communications Adapters


The Tracing section of the CICS Environment properties contains the top-level parameters displayed in the following table.

Table 57 Environment Properties - Tracing Section



Required Value 


CTG specific. Specifies the level of trace information recorded available. The options are: 

0: None. No CICS Java client application tracing.

1: Standard. Only the first 128 bytes of any data block (for example the COMMAREA, or network flows) are displayed by default. This trace level is equivalent to the Gateway trace set by the ctgstart -trace option. (This can also be set using the system property gateway.T.trace=on).

2: Full Debug. Traces out the whole of any data blocks by default. The trace contains more information about CICS Transaction Gateway than the standard trace level. This trace level is equivalent to the Gateway debug trace set by the ctgstart -x option. (This can also set using the system property gateway.T=on).

3: Exception Stacks. Traces most Java exceptions, including exception which are expected during normal operation of the CICS Transaction Gateway. No other tracing is written. This trace level is equivalent to the Gateway stack trace set by the ctgstart -stack option. (This can also set using the system property gateway.T.stack=on).

An integer from 0 to 3 that indicates the specified trace information level.

The configured default is 0.


CTG specific. Specifies a file location for writing the trace output. This is an alternative to the default output on stderr. Long filenames must be surrounded by quotation marks; for example, "trace output file.log". 

Note –

The filename can also be set using the system property gateway.T.setTFile=xxx, where xxx is a filename.

The output file name. 

Truncation Size

CTG specific. Specifies the maximum size of any data blocks written in the trace. 

Note –

The truncation size can also be set using the system property gateway.T.setTruncationSize=xxx, where xxx is a number.

A number indicating the maximum data block size. 

A value of 0 indicates that no data blocks will be written in the trace. No value (leaving the property blank) indicates that no truncation size is specified.

Dump Offset

CTG specific. Specifies the offset from which the display of any data blocks will start. 

Note –

The dump offset can also be set using the system property gateway.T.setDumpOffset=xxx, where xxx is a number.

CTG specific. Specifies the offset from which the display of any data blocks will start. 


Specifies whether or not to display time-stamps in the trace. 

Select On or Off.

On indicates that the time-stamp is displayed in the trace.

The default setting is On.

Note –

Timing can also set using the system property gateway.T.timing=on.