Configuring Java CAPS Environment Components for Communications Adapters

General Settings (BatchSFTP Environment)

The General Settings section of the BatchSFTP Environment properties contains the top-level parameters displayed in the following table.

Table 48 Environment - BatchSFTP - General Settings



Required Value 

Connection Mode

Specifies whether a physical connection is established when an external connection is instantiated. Options: 

  • Automatic: Establishes a physical connection when an external connection is instantiated.

  • Manual: Does not automatically establish a physical connection when an external connection is instantiated.

    If a physical connection is not automatically established, a physical connection must be established from the Collaboration (for example, by calling the connect() method).

    If BatchSFTP Connection Mode is set to Automatic, the following SFTP Settings Environment parameters must be set with valid values:

    • SSH Host

    • SSH Port

    • User

    • Password

    • Key File (this must be set if the BatchSFTP Connectivity Map property, Authentication Type , is set to HOSTBASED or PUBLICKEY)

    • Key File Password (required by the Key File property)

Select Automatic or Manual.

The configured default is Automatic.

  • Server Public Key (this must be set if the BatchSFTP Connectivity Map property, Do Host Key Verification is set to Yes)

  • Server Name for Host Key Verification (this must be set if the BatchSFTP Connectivity Map property, SFTP Settings ⇒ Do Host Key Verification is set to Yes)

Also, if a firewall is enabled and the Connectivity Map property, Firewall SettingsUse Firewall, is set to Yes, the following Environment parameters must be set with valid values:

  • Firewall Host

  • Firewall Port

  • User

  • Password