Configuring Java CAPS Environment Components for Communications Adapters

MDB Pool Settings

Details for the SNALU62 Inbound Adapter MDB Pool Settings are listed in the table.

Table 76 SNALU62 Inbound Adapter—MDB Pool Settings



Required Value 

Steady Pool Size

Specifies the minimum number of physical connections the pool should keep available at all times. 0 (zero) indicates that there should be no physical connections in the pool and the new connections should be created as needed. 

If the pool size is too small, you may experience a longer connection time due to the existing number of physical connections. 

A connection that stays in the pool allows transactions to use it through a logical connection which is faster. 

A valid numeric value. 

The default is 10.

Max Pool Size

Specifies the maximum number of physical connections the pool should keep available at all times. 0 (zero) indicates that there is no maximum. 

The pool size you set depends on the transaction volume and response time of the application. If the pool size is too big, you may end up with too many connections to the SNA destination. 

A valid numeric value. 

The default is 60.

Pool Idle Timeout in Seconds

Specifies the maximum number of seconds that a physical connection may remain unused before it is closed. 0 (zero) indicates that there is no limit. 

A valid numeric value. 

The default is 600.