Configuring Java CAPS Environment Components for Communications Adapters

Configuring Batch Adapter BatchLocalFile Environment Properties

This topic explains the properties for the BatchLocalFile OTD, accessed from the Environment Explorer.

The BatchLocalFile properties include the following sections:

General Settings (BatchLocalFile Environment)

The General Settings section of the BatchLocalFile Environment properties contains the top-level parameters displayed in the following table.

Table 51 Environment - BatchLocalFile - General Settings



Required Value 

State Persistence Base Location

Specifies a working directory for storing intermediary results.


  • Leave value blank: BatchLocalFile will use a default folder as the working directory.

  • Specify a path to a local file system folder with read/write permissions.

    Note –

    See Deploying an EAR File if you are deploying the project to another application server.

A working directory with read/write permissions, or leave blank (no value) to accept a default directory. 

Connection Pool Settings (BatchLocalFile Environment)

The Connection Pool Settings section of the BatchLocalFile Environment properties contains the top-level parameters displayed in the following table.

Table 52 Environment - BatchLocalFile - Connection Pool Settings



Required Value 

Steady pool size

Specifies the minimum number of physical connections the pool keeps available at all times. 

An integer indicating the maximum number of connections available at all times. A value of 0 (zero) indicates that there are no physical connections in the pool and that new connections are created as needed.

The configured default is 2.

Maximum pool size

Specifies the maximum number of physical connections the pool contains. 0 (zero) indicates that there is no maximum. 

An integer indicating the maximum number of connections allowed. A value of 0 (zero) indicates that there is no maximum. 

The configured default is 10.

Max Idle Timeout In Seconds

Specifies the maximum idle timeout (in seconds) This is a hint to the server. A timer thread periodically removes unused connections. This parameter defines the interval at which this thread runs. This thread removes unused connections after the specified idle time expires. It allows the user to specify the amount of time a connection can remain idle in the pool. 

An integer indicating the maximum idle timeout in seconds. When this is set to a number greater than 0, the container removes or destroys any connections that are idle for the specified duration.

A value of 0 specifies that idle connections can remain in the pool indefinitely.

The configured default is 300 (5 minutes).