Configuring Java CAPS Environment Components for Communications Adapters

TCPIP Client (Outbound) Adapter - Connection Pool Settings

Specific to the RA connection pool of Sun Java System Application Server or the Sun Enterprise Service Bus only. The parameter settings in this section are applied to sun-ra.xml.

The TCPIPClient (Outbound) Adapter - Connection Pool Settings properties contain the top-level parameters displayed in the following table.

Table 7 TCPIPClient (Outbound) Adapter - Connection Pool Settings Properties



Required Value 

Steady Pool Size

Specifies the minimum number of RA connections to be maintained. When the value is set to a value that is greater than 0, the container not only pre-populates the RA connection pool with the specified number, but also attempts to ensure that there are always this many RA connections in the free pool. This ensures that there are enough RA connections in the “ready to serve” state to process user requests. 

For example, suppose an idle stateless session container has a fully-populated pool with a steady-pool-size of 10. If 20 concurrent requests arrive for the RA Connection component, the container creates 10 additional instances to satisfy the burst of requests. This prevents the container from blocking any of the incoming requests. However, if the activity dies down to 10 or fewer concurrent requests, the additional 10 instances are discarded. 

An integer indicating the minimum number of RA connections to be maintained. 

The configured default is 1.

Max Pool Size

Specifies the maximum number of RA connections in the pool. 

An integer indicating the maximum number of RA connections in the pool. A value of 0 indicates that the pool is unbounded.

The configured default is 32.

Pool Idle Timeout In Seconds

Specifies the interval at which the “remove expired RA connections” thread runs. This thread periodically removes unused RA connections with expired timeouts. This provides a hint to the server, and allows you to specify the maximum amount of time that an RA connection instance can remain idle in the pool. After this period of time, the pool can remove this bean.

When Pool Idle Timeout In Seconds is set to a value greater than 0, the container removes or destroys any RA connection instance that is idle for this specified duration. A value of 0 specifies that idle RA connections can remain in the pool indefinitely. 

An integer indicting the Pool Idle Timeout in seconds for unused RA connections. A value of 0 specifies that idle RA connections can remain in the pool indefinitely. 

The configured default value is 600.