Designing with Application Adapters

Naming Conventions for the Oracle Interface

The specific name for the Open Interface, which is specified in the XML file.

Short Table Name

The name used for the generated utility stored procedures, for each interface table. It is derived from the corresponding Oracle Interface Table name as follows:

If the Oracle Interface Table name is longer than 23 characters, replace INTERFACE or IFACE_ALL with INT to form the short table name.

(Since there is a limitation of 30 characters placed on the function/stored procedure name in Oracle, the Open Interface name specified in the XML file must be no more than 23 characters).

Stored Procedures

The utility stored procedure names are derived from the Short Table name, according to the following convention:


Staging Table Node

The name of the staging table node is derived from the corresponding Oracle Interface Table name by adding the prefix SB_ and truncating it to 30 characters, if necessary.

SQL File Name

If the SQL file is used to create a packaged stored procedure, the file name must be the same as the package name. The file name is case sensitive and must be less than or equal to 30 character due to the rules of Oracle procedure/function name.

Concurrent Manager Request Function

The function name is derived from the Open Interface name specified in the XML, and has the form: FN_REQUEST_<ORACLE_INTERFACE_NAME>.