Configuring Java CAPS Project Components for Communication Adapters

TCPIP Outbound Settings - Envelope Message

These properties are the envelope message format settings for the Outbound adapter. These properties operate in the same way as those for the inbound adapter

This section explains the envelope message format properties for the server. These properties are all associated with TCP/IP enveloping. This section of the Outbound TCP/IP adapter Connectivity Map properties contains the top-level parameters as displayed in the table.

Table 123 Connectivity Map - TCPIP Outbound Settings - Envelope Message



Required Value 

Envelope Type

Specifies the envelope type. The envelope type defines where a message starts and stops. 

Enter one of the following properties denoting the envelope type: 

  • BeginEndMarked

  • EndMarked

  • FixedLength

  • LengthPrefixed

  • MarkedAndFixed

  • PerActiveConnection

  • Custom

The default is BeginEndMarked.

BeginEndMarked is supported by the properties. Bytes to Read, Ignore Until Char Value, and Store Until Char Value.

EndMarked is supported by the property Store Until Char Value.

FixedLength is supported by the properties Bytes to Read.

LengthPrefixed is supported by the property Width of Length and Numeric Representation.

MarkedAndFixed is supported by the property Bytes to Read, Ignore Until Char Value, and Store Until Value.

PerActiveConnection is supported by the property PerActiveConnection.

Custom is supported by the properties Custom Enveloped Class Name and Custom Defined Property.

For optimum performance, use the method receiveEnvelopedMsg() with any enveloped messages. This method uses the envelope as its ending condition, while the other receiving methods, receiveBytes() and receiveString(), use a time-out as their ending condition.

Note –

For all envelope types, except MarkedAndFixed, the data is just the payload. See MarkedAndFixed for an explanation of how the data is handled by that envelope type.

Custom Enveloped Class Name

Specifies the Java class name to be used when the Envelope Type property is set to Custom.

If you are using a custom envelope you have created, using a Java Class, you can import the Java JAR file containing the class into any desired Collaboration, using the Collaboration Editor's file import feature. 

The class name should be a full qualified class name, such as The class must implement interfaces


For more details, see Customized Enveloping.

A full Java class name. 

A full qualified class name, or None if Custom is not the Envelope Type.

The configured default is None.

Customer Defined Property

Used when the Envelope Type value is set to Custom. Specifies a list of user-defined parameters. You can parse this information, such as delimiters, into your customized envelope message implementation.

A text string. 

Bytes to Read

Used with the following Envelope Types: 

  • FixedLength

  • MarkedAndFixed

Specifies the number of bytes to read. It is assumed that all Events received by the adapter have the same length. 

An integer indicating the number of bytes. 

The configured default is 1.

Width of Length

Used for Envelope Type value LengthPrefixed. Specifies the width of the envelope length. In other words, it dictates the number of digits to be used to represent the length field.

An integer, the range is 1 to 10. This property must be set to 2 for Network short and 4 for Network long.

The configured default value is 1.

Numeric Representa-tion

Used for Envelope Type value LengthPrefixed. Specifies how the number representation of the prefixed length is expressed. This value is expressed in one of the following formats:

  • Decimal

  • Hexadecimal

  • Octal

  • Network Short

  • Network Long

Select one of the following: 

  • Decimal

  • Hexadecimal

  • Octal

  • Network Short

  • Network Long

The configured default is Decimal.

Ignore Until Char Value

Used for the Envelope Types BeginEndMarked and MarkedAndFixed. Specifies the value for the ignore-until (same as begin block) character. All incoming characters are ignored until this character is encountered.

A decimal ASCII number. The allowed range is 1 to 127. 

The configured default is 11.

Store Until Char Value

Used for Envelope Types BeginEndMarked, EndMarked, and MarkedAndFixed. Specifies the character in the End Block or Marker position of the envelope. All incoming characters are stored until this character is encountered.

A decimal ASCII number. The allowed range is 1 to 127. 

The configured default is 12.