DB2 Connect non-Transactional Type 4 Adapter - Outbound
JDBC Connector Settings
The JDBC Connector Settings section
in the DB2 Connect non-Transactional Type 4 Adapter Outbound
Connectivity Map properties contains the top-level parameters displayed in
the following table.
Table 1–6 DB2 Connect non-Transactional Type 4
Adapter - Outbound JDBC Connector Settings
Required Value
Enter a description for the database.
A valid string. The default is DB2 Connect Type
4 Connection Pool Datasource
Specify the Java class in the JDBC driver that is used to implement the ConnectionPoolDataSource
interface for a non-transactional Type 4 driver.
A valid class name.
The default is com.ibm.db2.jcc.DB2ConnectionPoolDataSource.