Configuring Java CAPS Project Components for Web Server Adapters

WebLogic Adapter Connectivity Map Properties

The WebLogic adapter properties, accessed from the Connectivity Map, are organized into the following sections:

parameter-settings (Connectivity Map)

parameter-settings (Connectivity Map)

The parameter-settings section of the Connectivity Map properties contains the top level parameters displayed in the following table.

Table 1–2 Connectivity Map - parameter-settings



Required Value 


Specifies the JNDI name of the EJB on the remote server including any JNDI prefixes for the EJB interoperability. 

If the EJB and your Project EAR file are deployed on the Sun Java System Application Server or the Sun Integration Server, you can use the 

 prefix as the qualified JNDI name. For example:


without the 


If a qualified JNDI name is specified in this property, this supercedes any values specified in the Environment properties: ServerName and Port. 

Enter a JNDI name (String) or a qualified JNDI name.