Installing Third-Party JAR Files

WebSphere MQ Adapter Required JAR Files

The WebSphere MQ Adapter requires the file, a system specific JAR file, for normal operation. For XA transactions in Client mode, or for deploying EAR files to a WebLogic application server, the adapter also requires the file.

The must be copied from the MQ server that you are running against. Depending on the mode of operation, the WebSphere MQ Library utilized by the adapter requires operating system-specific modules. If a WebSphere MQ Adapter project is deployed to a different MQ server running on a different operating system, the file on the logical host must be replaced with the from that specific MQ server to ensure that the JAR file remains operating system-specific with the current MQ server.

ProcedureTo install the system-specific file

  1. Copy the file from the WebSphere MQ server.

  2. Paste the JAR file to the \JavaCAPS\logicalhost\is\lib directory, where JavaCAPS is the Sun Java Composite Application Platform Suite installation directory.

Adding the required JAR files to the Integration Server Classpath for XA Transactions

The WebSphere MQ Adapter requires the file for XA transactions in Client mode and for deploying EAR files to a WebLogic application server. The JAR file is installed as part of the WebSphere MQ Extended Transaction client installation. Both the and the must be added to the Integration Server classpath to run XA transactions in Client mode.

ProcedureTo add the required JAR files to the IS Classpath

  1. Note the location of the and the files on your logical host.

  2. Open the Integration Server Administration tool. Add the absolute path for both JAR files to the IS Administration tool's Classpath Prefix field.

  3. Save your work.