Getting Started With Sun Master Patient Index

Standardization and Matching Configuration

The server project is configured to parse, normalize, and phonetically encode person names and street address names. The fields that store the modified data are defined in the database, but do not appear on the EDM. The following sections provide a general overview of how standardization and matching are configured. You can modify the configuration to obtain different results.

Person Names

By default, each name stored in the master index is phonetically encoded, and a patient’s primary and alias names are normalized prior to phonetic encoding. Normalization is based on the United States domain. The following fields are included in the object structure to store the normalized data.

The following fields are included in the object structure to store the phonetic codes for each name.

Parsing Addresses

Addresses are parsed and standardized based on the United States domain. The default value, used when no domain is specified, is the United States. Addresses are parsed into the following components (with the actual field name in parentheses).

After being parsed, the street name is also phonetically encoded. The phonetic version is stored in the Address.StreetNamePhoneticCode field.

The Match String

The default match string consists of the following fields, which are considered standard for matching on person information.