Getting Started With Sun Master Patient Index

ProcedureTo Define Systems for the Sample Files

  1. In the Projects window, expand the eIndex project, expand eView Application - Person, and then expand Database Script.

  2. Under Database Script, check out and open the Systems file.

  3. Add the following SQL statements after the existing insert statement and before the end statement.

    insert into sbyn_systems (systemcode, description, status, id_length, format, input_mask, value_mask, create_date, create_userid) values (’CBMC’, ’CB MED CENTER’, ’A’, 9, ’[0-9]{9}’, ’DDD-DDD-DDD’, ’DDD^DDD^DDD’, TO_DATE(v_date, ’MM/DD/YYYY’), v_user);

    insert into sbyn_systems (systemcode, description, status, id_length, format, input_mask, value_mask, create_date, create_userid) values (’WHC’, ’WAYFIELD HOME CARE’, ’A’, 7, ’[0-9]{7}’, ’DD-DDD-DD’, ’DD^DDD^DD’, TO_DATE(v_date, ’MM/DD/YYYY’), v_user);

  4. Save and close the file.

  5. Define user codes as described below.