Getting Started With Sun Master Patient Index

ProcedureTo Define the Environment

Before You Begin

Complete the steps under Configure the Connectivity Maps.

  1. In the Services window, right-click CAPS Environments, and then select New Environment.

  2. Rename the Environment to eIndexEnvironment.

  3. Right-click eIndexEnvironment, point to New, and then select Logical Host.

  4. Rename the Logical Host eIndexLH.

  5. Right-click eIndexLH, point to New, and then select Sun Java System Application Server.

  6. Rename the server to eIndexAS.

  7. Right-click eIndexAS, select Properties, and then define the application server password (this is the Administrator password). Verify the URL, and then click OK to close the Properties window.

  8. Right-click eIndexEnvironment, point to New, and then select File External System.

  9. Enter FileSystem for the name.

  10. Right-click FileSystem, select Properties, and then configure the File Adapters as follows.

    1. For the inbound File Adapter, expand Inbound File eWay, select Parameter Settings, and then specify the directory in which you will place the sample data files.

    2. For the outbound File Adapter, expand Outbound File eWay, select Parameter Settings, and then specify the directory to which you want the Adapter to write the outbound files.

  11. Right-click eIndexEnvironment, point to New, and then select Oracle External System or Sqlserver External System, depending on which database you are using. Enter DatabaseSystem for the name.

  12. Configure DatabaseSystem as follows.

    1. Right-click DatabaseSystem, and then click Properties.

    2. For Oracle, expand Outbound Oracle eWay; for SQL Server, expand Outbound SQLServer XA eWay.

    3. Select JDBC Connector Settings.

    4. Define the properties listed in the table below.

    5. Click OK to close the Properties window.




      The name of the database server (you can enter “localhost” if the database is on the same computer as the application server). 


      The port number on which the database is listening. For Oracle, the default is 1521; for SQL Server, the default is 1433. 


      The SID name of the database. 


      The login ID of the administrator user you created when you created the database (under Create the Database Tables).


      The database password for the administrator user. 

      See Configuring Java CAPS Environment Components for Database Adapters for more information about configuring the database external system.

  13. Continue to Deploy the Projects.