Getting Started With Sun Master Patient Index

The Collaboration Client Project

Sun Master Patient Index includes a Collaboration client project that shares information between the Sun Master Patient Index application and two File Adapters (one sending data to Sun Master Patient Index and one receiving data from Sun Master Patient Index). The client reads the sample data from the input file through the inbound File Adapter, unmarshals the data into the Sun Master Patient Index OTD (eIndexInput), and copies each field value of the OTD into the class variable SystemPerson. The variable is then passed to the Java method executeMatch, which processes the new data by comparing it against existing Sun Master Patient Index records, assigning matching weights between records, and determining whether the incoming data is a new record or an update to an existing record.

After the message is processed, the new or updated record is sent to the outbound File Adapter, along with the EUID of the new or updated record and an indicator of whether the record was added, updated, merged, and so on. You can call additional Sun Master Patient Index methods in the Collaboration to customize the processing logic. To view the available methods, right-click Person_1 in the left pane of the Business Rules Designer and then select Browse This Type.