Getting Started With Sun Master Patient Index

Define EDM Security

To access the Enterprise Data Manager (EDM), you need to create a user for logging on to the EDM and assign security permissions. Security is defined in the application server.

ProcedureTo Define EDM User Accounts

Before You Begin

Complete the steps under Deploy the Projects.

  1. Access the Sun Java System Application Server Admin Console (on the Services window in NetBeans, expand Servers, right-click the application server, and then select View Admin Console).

    Tip –

    The default login information for the Admin Console is “admin” for the user name and “adminadmin” for the password.

  2. In the left panel of the Admin Console, expand Configuration, Security, and then Realms.

  3. Under Realms, click file.

  4. On the Edit Realm page, click Manage Users.

  5. On the File Users page, click New.

  6. On the New File Realm User page, enter the following information:

    • In the User ID field, enter a unique login ID for the user.

    • In the Group List field, enter eView.Admin.

      Note –

      You can enter different user groups to see the affect each has on permissions. Each user must be assigned to either eView.Admin or eView.User. Master Index User Roles (Repository) in Maintaining Sun Master Indexes (Repository) lists and describes each Sun Master Patient Index user group.

    • In the New Password and Confirm New Password fields, enter a password for the user.

  7. Click OK.

  8. Enter data into the master index application as described in Running the Sun Master Patient Index Projects.